Active Learning and Teaching
Davis-Berg, E.C. & K.M. Kocot. 2021. Innovation in how we teach and learn about invertebrate zoology in remote and online classrooms. Invertebrate Biology 140: e12329.
Davis-Berg E. C. and Julie Minbiole. 2020. Increasing formative assessment participation with bullet points or numbers. School Science Review. 101(377): 64-66.
Davis-Berg, Elizabeth C. and Daniel Jordan. 2018. The Innovative use of Mathematica to Teach Biodiversity. American Biology Teacher. 80(5):372-378.
Drew, Joshua, Stephanie Sardelis & Elizabeth C. Davis-Berg. 2017. Using a Game-to-Class Pipeline to Teach Ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 15(7): 357–358, doi:10.1002/fee.1520
Loudon, Catherine, Elizabeth C. Davis-Berg, Jason Botz. 2012. A laboratory exercise using a physical model for demonstrating countercurrent heat exchange. Advances in Physiology Education. 36(1): 58 – 62.
Davis-Berg, Elizabeth C. 2011. Teaching the Major Invertebrate Phyla in One Laboratory Session. American Biology Teacher 73(5): 281-284.
Davis-Berg, Elizabeth C. 2009. QUICK FIX: The Mystery Organism of the Day. American Biology Teacher 71(3):139.